For The Birds

Why do you think birds are important to wildlife?

Three ways birds are essential:

  • They eat the insects and pests that sometimes find their way into our home.

  • They eat the fruit from the trees and poop out the seeds. Which means they can create forests with their poop. They will fly somewhere after eating the fruit and poop the seed whereby the same tree can grow somewhere else.

  • Birds are great pollinators as well. 

So birds drink the flower nectar but doing so transfer pollen from one flower to another. When that happens the flowers can grow seeds in order to create more flowers.

Why are bird feeders important?

  • Bird Feeders are important as adult birds don’t need to scavenge for food as there is a reliable source of food, especially in the spring and summer months when bird populations grow.

  • Birds will be eating healthy food and not be eating junk food someone has left.


Build your own bird feeder

Instructions on making a bird feeder from a milk carton

  • Birds need an entrance to get in and the milk carton needs to be closed up the top as well so the seeds and birds can stay dry.

  • Step 1: Cut a hole in the middle of the carton for the birds. Don’t cut the hole at the bottom or else the food will drop out.

  • Step 2: Tape the top so no rain can get in.

  • Step 3: You can decorate your bird feeder in any way you wish.

  • Step 4: Poke a little hole at the top in order to pass a piece of string through in which you will tie it onto a tree.

  • Step 5: Take a long piece of string and pass it through the hole and tie it to a tree nearby.

  • Step 6: Add food to your bird feeder.

Possible foods for your bird feeder:

  • Suitable seeds and grains (like nyjer, millet, oats, and sunflower seeds)

  • Cooked pasta or rice, boiled potatoes

  • Apples, pears and soft fruits are popular and are a great autumn food

Once you have hung your bird feeder up, try to capture a few photos of birds that use your bird feeder and whether they are different types of birds or not.


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